Better management/control Because the rules are managed by the program and the booking officer has access to administration tools, management is easy and control automatic.
Extensive tools The booking officer has special tools available to finely tune resource usage. In the racquet demo the "back office link" shows how easy it is to reallocate (pencil and rubber in a paper system) any booking using drag and drop techniques. Similarly a booking can be made just by filling in a cell and then clicking the add or change button.
Because the booking officer has easy access to the background database files, he can make any necessary changes, query, report and do backups.
Because every online payment credits the clubs bank account immediately manual bankings are almost eliminated.
Every transaction (booking, deleting, payments) is recorded in a transaction file. This means auditing, dispute resolution and reporting can all be handled with ease.
Another feature for your web site This booking system is available to clubs with or without a web site. If you have a web site so much the better because then your members can access the booking system from your web site. The opening page of your booking system can be tailored to match the colour and style of your web site. The booking calendar is laid out to best present the data in the limited space available on the screen so there are limitations in layout in this area. By reviewing both the SKI demo and Racquet demo you will get some idea of the possibilities. We will work with your webmaster to get the best presentation possible.
No BAD Debts Because the program is arranged to ensure that a credit exists in the members account before a booking is made bad debts from on-line booking are not possible. The program interfaces directly with Paypal to allow members to make secure payments online and thus credit their club account.
The "delete booking" option has been designed to only allow refunds where the booking rules allow for them. Members deleting bookings are reminded that the risk of bad weather is theirs not the clubs. Late cancellations do NOT automatically create a refund. Such refunds are in the hands of the executive. Of course the program can be modified to fit the club rules.
Cost Justification provides, higher occupancy, greater profits and happier members thus this solution will be self funding. There is no capital cost to the club in choosing simply a 40c per unit booking fee. The advantage is "no bookings no cost".