Sports club management software.

Benefits to Clubs

Easily manage bookings

Tailored to club booking rules

Less hassle for booking officer

Greater occupancy

Better management/control

Extensive tools

Another feature for your web site

No BAD Debts

Cost Justification

Easily manage bookings
The bookings officers duties have become one of supervision. Using the tools to approve or change membership, manage special events, and adjust members booking rights. You have complete control over delinquent members accounts.The day to day manual entry of routine bookings has gone forever.

Tailored to club booking rules
Because members can only make bookings by selecting available options in the list boxes the program can be modified to fit club rules.

As examples:
The ski demo rule is "booking four weeks in advance only" so only 4 options are available when selecting the week to view.

Similarly the ski demo rule is that "a Saturday cannot be booked alone" so when a list of Start Nights is presented Fri/Sat or Sat/Sun are the only options.

The booking officer has no need to intervene or meddle in the fairness of popular bookings, because a new booking day begins automatically at midnight. Thus bookings are first up best dressed.

Less hassle for booking officer
Because the program manages the rules and the fairness of the booking rights in a consistent transparent manner members will not see the booking officer as someone to be cajoled or manipulated. That said the booking officer still has the power and tools to reallocate bunks, pre-book for special events, manage refunds and penalties (for late cancellations) etc.

Greater occupancy
Because the program allows for bookings 24/7 up to the last minute and runs a waiting list for every bunk, occupancy is not dependant on the booking officers availability or resources. This will be a major advantage to clubs that close their bookings several days
before usage, (dead time) simply to make the booking officers job more tolerable.

Because the booking calendar is always current, everyone can see available vacancies and or waiting list usage. Thus enabling the booking officer to best manage the resources in the few occasions that could be necessary.

Using will give you, higher occupancy, greater profits and happier

more benefits >>>

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Ph (64) 9 836-8855 Mobile 021 63-1177
PO Box 83-175 Edmonton Auckland